Ella Sherr

'A Mindful Moment' - Redditch Art Trail

This poem was written by Ella Sherr for the Redditch Art Trail:

"A free, outdoor public art trail across the town centre from the 1st to the 31st July 2021 - the trail will feature a whole host of work from local artists in some places you might not expect, so keep your eyes peeled! The ‘Now We’re Talking with Art’ campaign aims to combine art, exercise and mental health whilst providing activities to keep your mind healthy along the way!" see https://www.healthyminds.whct.nhs.uk/redditch-trail/ for more.


This poem, written by Ella Sherr, is inspired by the teachings of Tibetan Master, Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche.

It reminds us to let ourselves feel what we feel in the moment and be kind to ourselves as we feel them, knowing that feelings pass by like clouds floating through the sky. We learn that we are not those feelings, we are something else. We are the calm, clear sky. Clouds pass, and we remain. We just need to bring awareness to moments in our day to see the stillness within us, we just need to be still enough to see it.

Ella is a writer, voice-over artist, yoga and meditation teacher, and an expert in mindfulness. She works with apps, individuals, and content creators making unique, accessible, and often personalised mediation scripts. Having battled her own mental-health issues whilst working as a teacher, she knows from her own experience how healing a moment of calm can be. It was her Yoga/meditation practice that saved her back then.

Ella combines her language/wellbeing expertise with her love of the written word and draws on her own personal experiences to help others find their way back home to their true, inherently peaceful self.


A Mindful Moment - Poem for the Redditch Art Trail

Poem by Ella Sherr, Photo by Luke Ward, Music 'We are the Rain" by Aakash Gandhi

📸 Luke Ward